Friday, January 17, 2014

When Mountains Move

When God tells you he'll move a mountain for you, allow him room to do so.

I started out this journey as a missionary by bargaining with God.  I'm not proud of that fact, but I told God that I would become a missionary only if He promised to move my budget mountain (the financial miracle I would need to go to a foreign country like Japan).  Not just move it, but move it 110%. I wanted it to be an undoubtable miracle.  God promised.

I asked him for 110%.  Truly, I thought that I might actually make 90 or 95% of my total budget to go to Japan. Maybe

And then God did something incredible.  Without using the traditional route, he started making the mountain move.  It went slowly at first; a shudder here, a rumble there, but always some sort of movement.  My mountain never stalled out - not completely. Not once.

I asked again and again when it would be done, how I would get to see it happen.  Once, I lost hope that it would ever completely move.  And still his miracles continued. 

From January 2013 to November 2013 my mountain moved 75%.  And then in December 2013, in one night God did the unthinkable.  He moved not only the remaining 25% I needed - he moved my mountain 35%. 

He gave me 110% just like I'd asked. In one night. 

(Sincere thanks to Calvary Church whose boundless love and giving overwhelmed me to the point of a blubbering emotional mess that night.)

My God, the Impossible One.  The God of far-flung hopes and dreams.  The God of wonders.  He always keeps his promises.

One thing I have learned in my time of itinerating is that God likes using unique people with beautiful dreams who live generously to do what he promised he would do.  I would never have been able to accomplish something like this myself.  At the beginning, that frightened me.  But now I can say I have been truly humbled by the response of so many people whom God has chosen to help move my mountain. 

I would like to say thank you to everyone who is giving generously and praying lavishly on behalf of this missionary.  I cannot thank you enough!  You are wonderful.

All of that to say, I am now done raising funds and am currently waiting on my visa to come through so I can go!  Japan will be coming soon, though you will know before I get on a plane!  Pray for an expedient visa process and be ready for another post coming very soon!

