Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Good Morning, Japan!

This morning I woke up in Japan. And let me tell you, I was extremely excited about it! Not only is it a culmination of my life's dream, but it was some really good sleep after my very long flight and travel to the other side of the world!

I departed Monday morning at 8 am for Detroit where I bid my family a tearful farewell and boarded a plane to Toronto. This plane to Toronto was interesting. It was small. It held only 18 people. It had propellers. It had manual controls which I could see from my seat in the 6th row. I thought I was gonna die. But by the grace of God, we made it into the air and over to Toronto in under an hour with no mishaps. But it sure was a fun ride!

From Toronto, I made it to my next flight and boarded the plane to Tokyo. I sat next to two Japanese women who talked the entire flight in Japanese but were very polite and apologized every time they had to climb over me since I sat in the aisle seat. The food was good and after 4 movies, a 1-hour nap, and some reading, we arrived in Tokyo-Narita in under 13 hours.

By the grace of God, I navigated immigration, picking up my bags which were the first off the conveyor, and made it through customs by answering just two questions from the officer. After changing my dollars to yen, I got a bus ticket to the Sunshine Prince Hotel in Ikekuburo, Tokyo where I was to meet Pastor Shelley. That was a timing moment from heaven as the next bus was leaving in just 2 minutes! I directly boarded the bus and rode an hour into Tokyo, taking in the scenery of Japan out the window. That bus ride was a nostalgic and important moment for me. The Lord helped me to rest in knowing that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and at exactly the right time. I felt a peace (which had permeated the entire trip but only deepened in that moment) settle into my heart and I simply enjoyed seeing the place where I would spend the next 2 months of my life scroll through the window.

All throughout the drive, I couldn't help but compare Japan to the other places I've been. The speed limit signs - Israel; some downtown areas - Dallas; the bridges - Israel and South Florida; driving on the left - Scotland; bamboo forests - the Philippines; the road signs with pictures and rice fields- uniquely Japan.

I got to the hotel an hour before Pastor Shelley was supposed to meet me and breathed easy for a while before she got there. Before long, she arrived and we loaded my suitcases into her van and walked to Sunshine 60 - a large business/shopping/restaurant building just a block away. I had a rice omlette and we talked about Tokyo and what we'll be doing the next few weeks. It'll be exciting to see how all of this comes together!

We drove back to Pastor Shelley's house in Toshima-ku (about 15 minutes) and unloaded the van. I stayed up until my eyes were closing on their own and went to bed at 8pm. I slept like a rock for 11 hours and woke up this morning at 6 am with the sun and feeling refreshed. Now I have to go figure out how to use a Japanese shower.

I have a feeling the adventure is just beginning!




Well, I made it! I'm here in Japan finally after many hours of traveling, time zone switching, and general baggage juggling. :) I was able to make it through the Tokyo airport and find Pastor Shelley in an amazing amount of time. God definitely had his hand of timing on my life through all of that.

I can't believe I'm in Japan!!! God has been working this out for so long that I almost cannot believe that I'll be waking up in Tokyo in the morning. Praise God that everything came together and nothing hindered my travels.

More on the journey tomorrow - I'm off to bed!!

Ja ne! Mata ne! (See ya later!)

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Tomorrow marks not only the anniversary of my birth (yet again) but also 10 days until I depart for Tokyo, Japan! I couldn't be more excited!! I know that God has me on this path for a purpose and I cannot wait to see all of what He will do through this internship.

Oh! I should probably catch you up on what is going on!

This summer, I will be interning in Japan with a missionary named Shelley Carl and the pastors of International Christian Assembly, Tokyo: Bill and Carol Paris. How did I come by this internship, you may ask? Well, I am a Missional Ministries major at Southeastern University and in order to complete my degree, I am required to do a 10-week internship that relates to my major. Since I am majoring in Missions, I thought doing an internship in the field of where I would like to one day be would be best. After much prayer, meetings, emails, and the like, this internship was born!

Now, I will be spending 10 weeks in Japan working and learning under the best of the field! My plane departs May 30th and will arrive the next day (the 31st) in Tokyo. I plan to return August 3rd and would love your prayers and support during this time. Your prayers mean much more to me than you know!

As my time of departure draws near, I will be posting more about my trip and you can be sure that I will be posting as often as possible while I'm in Japan. I'm looking forward to sharing this experience with you!

All my best,
