Saturday, June 22, 2013

Simple Things

Little kids have a way of making complicated things simple.  That is why in the midst of itineration when a lot of things seem very complicated I like to work with kids.  They help me remember that this is all very simple – and that I can trust God to do the impossible.

I was asked by a wonderful lady if I would come teach her Stars class one Wednesday night.  Stars is a branch of the Assemblies of God’s Girls’ Ministries for 3rd through 5th grade girls.  It’s a little like girl scouts plus Biblical teaching.  I was an Honor Star (graduated from the program) when I was young, which is a very big deal for someone of that age.  I was honored to be asked to teach; to pour into young girls’ lives just as someone once poured into mine.
We had a great time.

We talked about the population of Japan, showed it to them on a map, told them how less than 1% of Japanese people know Jesus, and explained a bit about their beliefs.  We looked at pictures of Tokyo and the girls marveled at how many people there are.  I let them touch real Yen (Japanese currency) and we ate Japanese jello snacks and Pocky after a simple prayer to thank God for the food (in my limited Japanese).  We made origami cranes which was harder for the adults than the kids!  Then, for the grand finale, I pulled out two of my summer kimono and dressed the girls up in them.  What little girls don’t love playing dress up?  (I still do!)

Afterward, we took pictures and they prayed for me to “be able to tell people about Jesus’ love and raise all my money really fast.”  Simple things.  That’s what it all boils down to: faith like the heart of a child.

I might not be going to Japan in May or June like I originally thought, but I trust my God to provide for my every need.   

Everything according to His timing.  God be praised!