Yesterday succeeded in raining all day long and thus kept us largely in the house. It was a slow and steady rain that did not drench so much as it pitter-pattered on the roof tiles, creating a wonderful background symphony to the overcast sky. I worked inside the house, rearranging and organizing my room so that I no longer have to live out of my suitcase. Pastor Shelley and I ventured out into the rain to ask the office ladies in the Japan Assemblies of God office about some unintelligible kanji and as we walked by the small fish pond in the middle of the campus, I saw dozens of little orange and black koi swimming near the surface, darting between the falling raindrops. It was a beautiful and peaceful day that ended productively with the house being better arranged and our dinner of fish and rice with spiced tomato sauce. I got some reading for my internship done and paperwork completed. Just the necessary stuff that makes up life. (No one thinks of a missionary having to do paperwork and laundry, but that's real life.)
Today poses to be an excellent day with the sun shining and our plans to go to another missionary couple's house for dinner tonight. I get to learn how to ride the bus today! (Secretly, I'm still really stoked for learning how to ride the trains.)
This morning as I was doing my devotions, I was feeling a little downtrodden. I had been preparing for coming to Japan my whole life it seems, and I feel so underprepared for what I need to know. But the Lord reassured me that I am exactly ready for this day and this time at this point in my life. Although I may not feel prepared, with my not knowing enough Japanese and all, I am here right now for a reason. I am needed. And that makes me feel like I can do anything - with the Lord's help, of course! Praise Him who always knows what I need. :)