Later, the team from IHOP University came and did worship, prayer, and a skit for the GAP service at 4:00. It was a wonderful time of learning and seeking the Lord as Pastor Bill's sermon hit right on some topics that have been surfacing in my life. After prayer with the team and the pastors, everyone from Chi Alpha, the IHOP team, and some GAP people went out to the place that I'm going to call heaven on earth: Sweets Paradise.
I think what made it so enjoyable was not the sweets but the company. We had some really great fellowship time getting to know one another and I honestly felt my emotional stress levels decreasing as we sat in each others' presence just laughing over silly things. Making connections with people and being able to laugh heartily was just the medicine my heart needed to feel more at home here in Japan. I have to say though, after hearing some of the stories from the IHOP team about the sentou (Japanese public bathhouse), it will be interesting getting a group of highschoolers to experience it when they arrive next week. According to one member of the IHOP team, it is a milestone experience in one's life. I'm looking forward to it with some trepidation, but I'm sure it will be an interesting cultural experience. Pray for me! Lol.
Tomorrow is our day off, so I have decided it will be adventure day. I'm off exploring to see if I can find more interesting places around our small town of Komagome. Then, I hope to be able to find Seikei Univeristy to attend a Japanese class. Finally, if all goes according to plan (lol), I will be at the goodbye party for the IHOP team who are leaving on Tuesday. Pray that they have safe travels and that my adventure tomorrow does not end in me getting hopelessly lost on the Tokyo trains.
I'll let you know how that goes. :)