Over the past week, I have been steadily pulled into the undertow of Japanese culture - often without knowing it.
For example, I have ceased to count it an accomplishment when I arrive at the correct station on time without mishap. This level of skill is a triumph for me since last time I was here, getting lost was a semi-regular concurrence. I have now also upgraded my level of independent cooking by successfully making rice, fish, and miso soup the other night! Grocery shopping is becoming easier as well now that I know most of what is available.
Other things are more culturally prominent - such as a funeral. I had never been to a Japanese funeral until this past Monday. Everyone wore all black with pearls which is the traditional funeral attire in Japan. The person being remembered was a Christian, so the ceremony included some scripture and hymns as well as some things that were purely Japanese. Some things stood out to me, like the covering of the deceased with flowers after the first part of the ceremony and the customs surrounding the cremation. It is common for people in Japan to be cremated and for the second part of the ceremony to take place at the crematorium. We (all of the pastors and family) were part of a custom I had never head of before. We helped transfer the bones from the ashes to the urn with chopsticks. This is as unsettling as it sounds for someone's first time at a Japanese funeral. However, God was with me. Nothing too awful happened and I survived emotionally intact.
Tomorrow is a holiday only celebrated in Japan (and some other Asian countries) called White Day. Valentine's Day here is primarily when ladies give chocolate to the men in their lives. White Day is when the men get to reciprocate by returning the favor with white chocolate or other sweets. We are having a White Day prayer night at ICA tomorrow night where we will thank God for loving us so purely - and eat white cupcakes as well!
Hopefully I will have more pictures for you soon!
Thank you for your continued prayers for Japan!
~ Amanda