And now here I am! I'm in my apartment, getting moved in, and am conquering jet lag like a champion. Truly, it hasn't been as bad as I had been anticipating, so there's more good news! I am getting used to the food, the neighborhood, the trains, and my neighbors. Honestly, the only thing that has gone wrong thus far has been a painful crick in my neck from trying to sleep on the plane. A quick stop at the local pharmacy yesterday for a heat pack is fixing that. Thanking God for my neighbor missionary who speaks Japanese!
This is part of my little apartment. The kitchen...
and the livingroom/bedroom!
Small story:
On the flight from LA to Tokyo, I sat next to a Korean guy who wasn't very talkative the whole trip until the end when we landed. I found out he lives in America and is going to visit his grandparents in Korea. He said the thing he is most excited to do there was visit his church. I smiled. I told him what I would be doing while in Tokyo and his eyes lit up. We had a simple bonding moment of faith that transcended cultural barriers in under 5 minutes. That's how God works.
Things I got to do yesterday that I sincerely missed about Japan:
Eat curry, ride the train, pay with yen, walk to a convenience store, and walk from Komagome Station to Pastor Shelley's house.
Things I got to do yesterday that I sincerely miss about America:
Drink black tea with cream, put my mini version of Van Gogh's "What Fields" on the fridge (reminds me of the Toledo Museum of Art), unpack my books, and eat peanut butter.
It's the small things that make life grand.
More on that to come!