Wednesday, February 13, 2013

From the Mouths of Children Comes Honesty

The promised post has arrived!  This past Sunday, I was given a special privilege that not all missionaries have.  I got to be the special guest at a local church's children's ministry!  Kids are truly a gift from God, full of raw openness and honesty.  Because of this, I get some of the best questions when I'm talking to kids about missions.

Dressed in my kimono, I walked into the classroom and immediately garnered the attention of everyone under 12.  "Why are you wearing that?"  "Are you a karate teacher?"  "What's your name?"  "Can you speak Chinese?" My wonderful cousin, Jen, faithfully handles this inquisitive class every week.  She introduced me to the class and then turned it over to me for the next 45 minutes. I showed them where Japan was located on a world map, pointed out Tokyo, told them what I do as a missionary. After a game of Janken-Pon (Japanese rock-paper-scissors), a jello snack, and a quick Japanese counting lesson, we all gathered on the floor to make origami cranes.  You can see a few of them in the picture below. :)

The very best part by far was when Jen asked three kids to pray for me.  They stood up, placed their little hands on my arm, and prayed with such sincerity that I was humbled to the core.  I believe that God honors the prayers of children and those were probably the best that I've received as an itinerating missionary. 

To all the kids (both old and young) at The Dwelling Place, thank you for letting me come and share about Japan!  You guys are great!