Something beautiful happened today by the skyline of the city. I was with Pastor Shelley at the 9th story apartment of a woman from Tokyo ICA, looking out over the skyline of Tokyo listening to the sound of something that brought tears to my eyes. I stood there in disbelief, wondering how on earth I was special enough to be present at that moment. Standing there, my heart understood what my ears could not - a woman giving her life to the Lord in Japanese.
All of my life, I have prepared for something so significant - but there in that moment, I was mystified that I would be allowed to witness such a beautiful thing. God truly did a work of the miraculous in that woman's life and I was privy to the life-changing experience. Listening to her voice trembling with emotion as she repeated the words of the prayer in Japanese stirred something deep in my heart... something I don''t even understand. All I knew as I looked out the window at the Tokyo skyline was that the horizon never looked so full of promise and potential than at that moment. I'm here to hear this sound, I thought. The sound of the hearts of your people speaking to you in the language of their heart. It is something truly beautiful.
And now I'd like to offer my routine apology for not posting as often as I'd hoped. My next post will be a compilation of what's been happening the last week or so and a short description of each day that has passed. I don't think I'll be able to fully describe it in these posts, but this country has fully and completely captured my heart and I don't think I'll be going back the same. No... I'll never be the same again.