Thursday, May 19, 2011


Tomorrow marks not only the anniversary of my birth (yet again) but also 10 days until I depart for Tokyo, Japan! I couldn't be more excited!! I know that God has me on this path for a purpose and I cannot wait to see all of what He will do through this internship.

Oh! I should probably catch you up on what is going on!

This summer, I will be interning in Japan with a missionary named Shelley Carl and the pastors of International Christian Assembly, Tokyo: Bill and Carol Paris. How did I come by this internship, you may ask? Well, I am a Missional Ministries major at Southeastern University and in order to complete my degree, I am required to do a 10-week internship that relates to my major. Since I am majoring in Missions, I thought doing an internship in the field of where I would like to one day be would be best. After much prayer, meetings, emails, and the like, this internship was born!

Now, I will be spending 10 weeks in Japan working and learning under the best of the field! My plane departs May 30th and will arrive the next day (the 31st) in Tokyo. I plan to return August 3rd and would love your prayers and support during this time. Your prayers mean much more to me than you know!

As my time of departure draws near, I will be posting more about my trip and you can be sure that I will be posting as often as possible while I'm in Japan. I'm looking forward to sharing this experience with you!

All my best,
