Tomorrow I will make the epic 13-hour drive to Springfield, Missouri for my Pre-Field Orientation at the Assemblies of God National Headquarters. Orientation is required for any Missionary Associate before they are allowed to leave for the field, which in my case is Japan!
I will attend 6 days of sessions designed to inform me of all the necessary details for my assignment as well as to encourage spiritual growth and introduce me to other MAs in my field.
I've been looking forward to this since my official approval in June and can't wait to keep moving in what God has for me to do!
Also, as an incredibly welcome bonus, I get to visit my friends who go to school at the AG Universities in Springfield! What a great job I have! Finally, I get to see all of the places they've been telling me about for years!
God is amazingly faithful and always looking out for my needs. He blesses me and cares for me beyond what I could even imagine. This will mark yet another part of the life-long journey he has set out before me and I simply cannot wait to share with you the adventures as they come.
May the Lord bless you and keep you,
P. S.
The Assemblies of God has updated their online giving site to be much more user-friendly! I checked it out today and I can say that it is both simple and easy to use. Give it a try if the previous version stumped you. Thank you for praying for and giving to Japan!